
Pengunaut Trainer Now Available in Ukrainian!

19. January 2024

We are thrilled to announce that the Pingunauten Trainer is now available in Ukrainian! This significant project was made possible by the generous financial support of the Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung.

French Translation Released

20. September 2023

We are happy to announce that the Pengunaut Trainer is now finally available for all French-speaking patients! Thank you to all the translators and voice actors and everyone who has been so great in supporting the project. Special thanks go again to our sponsors Child’s Play, who made the translation possible with their funding. The […]

Pingus in Ukrainian

3. April 2023

It’s official: Thanks to the generous support of the “Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung” (“German Childhood Cancer Foundation”), we will soon be able to translate the Pengunaut Trainer into Ukrainian! We are happy that we will soon be able to help the many children who had to flee the war. However, it will still take a little while. […]

El Entrenador de Pingünautas

26. January 2023

We did it and thanks to the fantastic support of Child’s Play and some very dedicated translators and voice actors, we were now able to translate the Pengunaut Trainer into Spanish. Plus: From now on, the app is available not only in Spanish-speaking countries, but all over the world! ¡Viva los Pingüinautas! …psst! We are […]

Website Relaunch

26. January 2023

We have finally managed to completely redesign our website. In particular, there is now much more information about our project, the Pengunaut Trainer and the concept behind it, as well as our research into the design and effectiveness of our intervention. Have fun browsing!

XR Science Award

4. October 2022

Our project has been awarded the XR Science Award 2022 by the German Institute for Virtual Reality (DIVR e.V.) in the category "Sports Performance, Psychology and Health"!