
The Pengunaut Trainer is free of charge and available in English, Spanish, French, German and Ukrainian for all interested parties in the Google Play Store and soon also as an iOS version. After the positive feedback from children, parents, and the medical staff, we want to continue the project in the future. Unfortunately, this is associated with costs that are not yet covered. In addition to maintenance and care of the app – any update of the smartphone operating systems make it necessary to update the app – we have so many more ideas. One of our heart’s desires, for example, is to translate the Pengunaut Trainer into other languages so that even more children can train with our app and prepare for the MRI. It would also be great if each child could get their own VR Viewer – the smartphone holder that turns their parents’ smartphone into fully functional VR goggles – right when their appointment for an MRI examination is made.

If you would like to support our project, you can make a one-time or recurring donation through the charity of the University Hospital Essen (“Stiftung Universitätsmedizin Essen”). A click on the following button leads you to the donation form.

If you have any further questions, feedback, or ideas of how you could support us, feel free to contact us via this contact form.